Monday, November 5, 2012

10/14/2012 - Island Pond, VT

Date of hunt: 10/14/2012
Location: Island Pond, VT
Weather: Wet/Raining
Tempearture: 38 (Start) 45 (End)
Dogs of mine: Flander's Ridic
Other dogs: Chuck, Casey, Star, Steel
# of Rabbits Ran: 2
# of Rabbits Shot: 2
Distance ran by Ridic: 7.1 miles

Saturday night brought rain and it was still raining when we woke up. The plan was to hunt out in front of camp this morning to cut down on the travel time back to camp to pack up later and head home. We worked all of the honey holes I remembered from the hunts with my Uncle Greg. They sure had grown a bit, but were still thick and looked promising. The hounds worked through thick spot after thick spot without anything. John jumped a hare as he stepped out of a thick spot into an opening. The dogs were right there and all took off together. What good music! They brought it out down in front of the camp meadow, out towards the old car and down along the West Meadow Road. They turned down towards the railroad tracks and then back towards us. John, Logan and I were all set up for the hare to come back by. The hounds were getting close, and we were ready. It sounded like the hare was going to come out near Logan, but it turned and jumped out in front of me. I got a shot from about 10 feet when the hare stopped to look back for the dogs. The dogs came in, smelt the hare and then took off looking for another. 

We worked down through the woods to the edge of the brook, crossed the railroad tracks and then started to work back up the other side. Ridic got into a blow down and barked once. The other dogs came in, but nothing was started. They started to range out a bit and then Casey got a start. She took off out into the alders toward the river. The other dogs packed, but none of them barked. John came across the radio and told us it must be a moose. They ran out about 400 yards together and then Ridic broke off from the group and went back to the blow down that he barked in before. He got a start and started chasing the hare out towards the brook and then turned up towards the river. The other dogs were out by the river but were on their way to pack up with him. Halfway between the railroad tracks and the river the hare turned and headed towards us. We were ready but the rabbit turned back towards the railroad tracks before it came into sight. All the hounds were in on the run now and they went back down past the blow down where the run began. We told everyone at home that we would be back home from our weekend by 2 o'clock. It was now 11 and we still had to get back to camp, pack up and winterize it. We knew we had to end this race on its next circle to ensure a timely arrival back home. 

We used the GPS to help pick our spots to stand. Logan and John were set up in a spot that should give them the first shot, I was setup in a back-up location. I could just see Logan's orange vest from where I was and it sounded like the dogs were barking at his feet. I thought the hare had snuck by them and I would soon see it. John's shot surprised me, and aparently it surprised him too. The hare came in on an odd angle and was 5 feet from him when he shot it. He looked up and Ridic was leading the pack and only 20 yards out. They were pounding on that hare!! I cannot believe that Ridic was leading that pack, and the pack was only 20 yards behind the hare. I was pumped!! 

We got together and gathered up the dogs and were one dog short. Star was missing. John could hear her howling off in the distance and thought she must have her collar hung up on a branch. Logan and I took the rabbits and dogs back to camp and John went out after Star. He radio'd that he could see her, but couldn't get to her. She was on an island in the middle of the river. She must had got out there during the moose run and was too scared to come back across. John found a shallow spot that he was just below the top of his boots and worked his way towards her. Once he was part way there he was able to coax her back to him and got her to come back across the river and made their way back to camp. 

Our weekend ended on a high note! We were very happy with the day and looked back at how much better the weekend could have been if the conditions were more favorable. If there wasn't such a drop in temperature from Friday to Saturday, or if it hadn't rain so hard Sunday morning, maybe the rabbits would had been on the move more, and resulted in more starts. However, we can't control the conditions, and we did manage to each shoot a hare. I guess it was a good weekend. 

Vermont's deer rifle and muzzleloader seasons take up most of November and December which means I won't be out after rabbits until either late December or early January. Its not so much that I am a die hard deer hunter, because I'm not, but my concern towards deer hunters with rifles. Too many times I have heard of deer hunters shooting someone's hounds saying that "they were running deer". I can't afford to take that risk. Maybe if I got out in the remote areas of the NEK with less chance of meeting a hunter I might go, but we'll see.

10/13/2012 - Norton, VT

Date of hunt: 10/13/2012
Location: Norton, VT
Weather: Cold/Frosty
Tempearture: 22 (Start) 46 (End)
Dogs of mine: Flander's Ridic
Other dogs: Chuck, Casey, Star, Steel
# of Rabbits Ran: 3
# of Rabbits Shot: 1
Distance ran by Ridic: 18.3 miles

Plans were made back in early September to take a trip up to my family deer camp in the Northeast Kingdom for a weekend of rabbit hunting with my brother Logan and a friend, John Roberts. We headed for camp after work on Friday evening and arrived at camp a little after 8. We got the dogs settled and fed, warmed up the camp and got the water running. After dinner we got the dogs tucked in for the night and finalized plans for the morning hunt. 

We woke up to a hard frost on the ground, and over a 25 degree drop in temperature from the day before. Based on what I have heard in the past the rabbits would be held up tight. We took our time getting out of camp and got to our first spot around 7:30. We started by casting John's dogs Chuck and Casey. They worked through the brush for about a half hour without so much as a bark. We decided to cast all the dogs to try and get more dogs in the brush to bust something out of its hiding spot. We flushed partridge after partridge and were having a blast trying to get off a well placed shot for some extra dinner. No luck. Around 10 o'clock we decided to head back towards the truck and pick up to try a different spot. John made it back to the truck first with his hounds and I was lagging behind to get Ridic to stop his search for a hare. On the way out Ridic yipped on a track and I let him work it. With a little searching he managed to pick up the trail and took the hare out of the thicket and out on a run. He brought it out on a short swing and checked on the turn. John brought out Chuck to help in the chase. Ridic had picked up his check and was bringing it back to Logan and I before Chuck joined in. The rabbit had pulled a trick and with a lot of work and effort they still managed to lose it. We packed up and headed out. We ate lunch on the way out and stopped by my Uncle Eric's camp to visit. They were up getting the camp ready for next weekends moose hunting season. We exchanged stories, warmed up and headed out again. 

When we got to the next spot we wanted to hunt there was already a truck there. We could see the hunters up the road and went up to talk with them. They had been there for the morning and were planning on staying longer to get some scent time under their puppies' noses. We made our way back to the truck with the intention of find a new spot, but to our surprise there was a hare sitting next to our truck when we got there. We cast Ridic and Chuck and they took the hare on a tiny loop through the small thicket and then the hare busted back out across the road, through the woods and crossed the river. As far as I was aware this was the first time Ridic had ever had a hare cross a river and he hung up on the edge. I waited a bit to see what Ridic would do and them gave him a pushed into the water to give him some encouragement. Once his feet hit the water he bounded through the water, to the other side, and picked up the scent right off and brought it out fast. Chuck quickly crossed the river and caught up and the brought it on a circle up towards the other hunters. I was nervous that we were going to screw up their hunt or one of our dogs with drop in on their run. Sure enough at the first check Chuck heard the other hounds running and went and joined their run. I called in Ridic and put him back in the truck box, and we headed out after Chuck. Logan and I got to Chuck first and we had a good conversation with the guys. They were understanding of the circumstances and told us to keep an eye out for a lost dog from a group of hunters from the day before. When we got back to the truck the land owner was there and told us that he had found a dog and had placed it in the dog box of the other hunter's truck. I went back up to tell the guys about the found dog. When I got back down we talked with the land owner and received permission to hunt another area that John and I had talked about a few times in the past. Now knowing that we could be in there without getting in trouble we couldn't wait to get in there.

John had a spot in mind that he had hunted before and we drove straight there. The woods were thick, real thick! We cast all the dogs and walked into the woods with them. Ridic got the start and took it fast! It took a bit for the other dogs to catch up and the hare quickly went out across the road. They checked where the rabbit turned to cross the road and I was able to get Ridic in on the scent rather quickly. He again took it fast and the other dogs scrambled to pack. They caught up and the race was on. The music was unreal and loud! They made it through the turn and were coming back up to the road really fast. I stood behind Logan and helped him prepare for the shot. He was aiming for the outside tire track and the hare darted out across the road with a flash, but Logan was ready. He connected on the shot and the race was over. The dogs came in and each had their turn smelling the hare. The hare on the ground quickly became old news and they were all back in the woods again looking for another. 

We searched the same set of woods that the last hare came out of but after reaching the end of the thick stuff we crossed the road and searched over there. There were a few yips from multiple hounds but no starts. Ridic yipped on a spot and stood there waiting for him to get something going. He searched for the hare, without any luck. I turned around to get back into an opening and managed to bust the hare out from under a blow down. I called in the hounds and Ridic showed up first. He took the hare towards the road where Logan was standing, but the hare turned and went parallel to the road just outside of his view. They turned back out away from the road and had a check. The hounds all worked the check and then Casey picked up some scent. She ran out away from the road with the other dogs following, but not barking. She must had been on a moose or deer. Ridic peeled off from the pack and came back to where they checked on the rabbit. He picked up the scent and started running hard. Star and Steel came in to pack with Ridic, but Chuck and Casey kept on the moose. Logan and I waited on the road for the hare to cross, while John took off after his hounds. The GPS was showing that they would soon cross a road and Ridic was on a check. I went in and got Ridic and ran to the truck to go and help John. I followed the roads until I met the spot on the GPS where it showed the hounds had crossed. I quickly found Chuck and John was out near Casey. We soon had the hounds rounded up and in the box. 

We went to one last spot for the remainder of the evening with hopes of getting something going. We let Ridic and Chuck out. Chuck got a start, but Ridic had no interest in packing. Chuck took off on a deep loop, and Ridic got a second hare going close to us. Both hounds were running well, but the woods were so thick that we couldn't find a shooting lane that the hare went through. The hounds ran well and the tracks on the GPS turned the tan screen into a rainbow of colors. The hounds had been everywhere, and still no hare to be seen. It was thick! The sun was starting to set and we were at a good point to head back to camp. Dinner was waiting for us in the crock pot. Overall, as John put it, a fair to mediocre day! Ridic ran 18.3 miles for the day.