Monday, October 5, 2009

6/5/2009 - Lowell, VT

Date of hunt: 6/5/2009
Location: Doug Duffy's
Weather: Sunny
Temperature: 71 °F (Start) 60 °F (End)
Companions: Alone
Dogs of mine: Bailey & Remi
# of Rabbits Ran: 2

Went up to Robtoy Road after work on Friday. Pulled in and was geared up by 6:30. I let Bailey out and kept Remi on a leash as we went into the woods. Walked down in front of the NC camp again in hopes of kicking up the rabbit we ran on Monday. Bailey worked for about 15 minutes and still nothing. I let Remi go and help out. 5 minutes later Bailey got a start. Both of them were running it. Bailey was definitely out in front by 10 yards at times and you could hear her go back to Remi. Clashing speeds. The rabbit came out of the softwoods and turned back in when it saw me. I leashed Remi on her way by because it was choppy running for both of them. Bailey lost out and Remi kept pulling me in the direction the rabbit ran. I let her go and the race was on again. They both ran it down over the bank and out of hearing. They must have lost it on the turn because they took a long time to come back. As they came back towards me it was very choppy running. I let them work it for a good 45 minutes. There were some guys with 4 wheelers that tried to come down towards me on a trail and I could hear them try to get a four wheeler unstuck. They must have worked for a good hour before they made their way back up out of the area. I then felt I could call the dogs in without having them bother me. I leashed Bailey and let Remi work. She got a rabbit going and ran it hard by herself for a full circle she lost it when the rabbit came back up by Bailey and I. It was dark, and we made our way back up to the truck. I will definitely have to run both dogs alone, they clash too much to run them as a pair.

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